December Dev Log

Greetings Scientists!

This year has been full of changes in our lives, but also in terms of Lithobreak development. Starting this month, we will be providing our players monthly development updates. We would like to include everyone in this journey and be more transparent with everything moving forward. We also have our Head Developer Moe stream Lithobreak's development twice a week on Twitch, so if you are interested in seeing it live, do join us!

Without further ado, lets jump into our current state and recent development:

New Roadmap

A roadmap for the game has been added to the title screen. We wanted a way to show sneak peeks at what’s to come, and the new UI design that we are working on. Do note that this roadmap does not fully represent all our plans, just the ones that are finalized and scheduled in the full roadmap.

More about the roadmap: We are revealing our plans for “voxelized” moons. Allowing true-to-life sized moons to be explored and exploited for resources. The roadmap will be periodically updated as finalized decisions are made in its development.

New Agroponics Room

The Agroponics room will be accessible in-game soon. This is one of the largest rooms in the station so far, complete with fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms to be harvested.

Agroponics room features the following:

  • Sized to keep a maximum of 15 fed (Even though there’s only Eli in the station).
  • Provides produce for the kitchen robotics to support well-rounded diets (for all walks of life).
  • Integrated with the waste processing systems of the station for sustainability.

Episode 1 feature is completed

The updated script for episode 1 is finalized, and new voice clips will be added to ease players into gameplay. Sara has a bit more explaining to do when it comes to messing with the mining console (instead of just cutting Eli mid-sentence).

Ceramics have been completely revamped since the start of early access. Materials are now a finite set, with materials being routed around with nodes. More game mechanic polish to come, such as simplifying the sifter etc.

Introduction to Metal buildings and QoL Improvements

  • Metal buildings are now in development (more information soon).
  • Development videos are on Twitch (We stream twice a week!).
  • New buildings cover the production and processing of base metals and metal alloys.
  • Metals ingots will now be routed around the moon much like ceramics.
  • Starting metals are produced in the inert smelter.
  • More advanced metals are produced in the reaction smelter, which consumes another metal in the process.
  • Alloys are produced in the alloy furnace to attain higher material properties.
  • Different properties will be important when it comes to producing parts in various factory types including casting, forming, machining, and moulding.

Thank you so much for reading our Devlog, and making it to the end! More will be coming soon.

Don't forget to join our discord and have a chat with the LithoBreak team! Invite Link: Discord

Also, follow us on our socials for up to date news and announcements! TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

May the Verse be with you,
Tau Ceti Labs

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Version 1 Nov 13, 2021 1.4 GB
Version 1 Nov 13, 2021

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